SambaPOS & OdeAl Integration

Take order and payment with the same device

We combined our order taking application with the PAX Android-based payment device

By the help of our order taking application running on the PAX device, you can take orders at the table without needing an extra terminal. With the same device, you can complete the payment processes at the desk and instantly give the e-receipt to the customer.

SambaPOS & OdeAl Integration

Take order and payment with the same device

We combined our order taking application with the PAX Android-based payment device

By the help of our order taking application running on the PAX device, you can take orders at the table without needing an extra terminal. With the same device, you can complete the payment processes at the desk and instantly give the e-receipt to the customer.

You can receive orders and payments from your payment device.
You can create unlimited e-invoices.
You can meet all your legal processes by using this integration.
You can receive payments and create e-invoice at your Fast Food and Delivery Departments.
E-invoicing is free as long as you use the Android payment system integrated with SambaPOS.

You can receive payments at the counter and the table side. You can instantly create e-invoice easily.

Receiving secure and hassle-free payments in accordance with the new VUK 507 law is now possible by the help of SambaPOS & Ödeal integration.

By the SambaPOS & Ödeal cooperation, you can start working now with low commission rates.

By the low device cost, you are protected from unnecessary investments. Your money will be in your account the next day and you will keep your cash flow under control.

Unlimited E-Invoicing

Businesses using PAX payment device with SambaPOS & Ödeal integration do not pay extra fees for e-invoices. E-invoices regarding payments received are created instantly and delivered to the customer.

For all you questions

